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11:55 a.m. - 2002-08-22
text for nothing

I know, I know. After a barrage of updates. This.

Well, to be more specific, the "I'm not sure that I want to do this anymore" this of the "Three or so years has been a good run, but this is starting to make my life extra special complicated" this variety.

I will be 23 this week.

I haven't updated my bio for about two years now. I think that I've changed my template twice. All right, maybe three times. I'm no wizard. I've met the most amazing people who have changed my life in ways they can't possibly imagine. I've seen the people I grew to know and love, who started me on this diary kick, come and go and some...come back again.

Maybe this is my time for that.

I've got a lot of "I'm going to's" on my plate right now.

I'm going to start school in the spring.

I'm going to make sense of the call life is issuing me.

I'm going to dump yet another emotionally devoid boyfriend.

I'm going to figure out just what in the hell is going on with my life.

I never had "I'm going to hurt someone by providing insight into my feelings by starting a public journal" on my list.

I guess these things happen.

I may start another journal. At this point, I really don't know.

On top of love and family and earth-shaking changes at work, this week has been my own personal hell.

Feast or famine. Although, I really don't think that expression is applicable here.

I have a stack of books, a stack of manuscripts (surprisingly) and two trips planned. Long stretches of hours of highways winding to the west that should provide introspection, but I'm not really placing expectations on anything at this point.

I know that I shouldn't make any life-affecting decisions in just the span of a week, but this makes more sense than you can possibly know.

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If I take to doing this again, elsewhere, I will let you know.



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